They could also talk bad about us when we are not around.
Try to be truthful, when are in front of people or in the absence of them.
Person A : too nice when we are with him/her, friendly etc. But backbite, condemn, slander etc while we are way.
Person B: not too nice and not too over-friendly when we are with him/her. But he/she never talk bad about us when we are not around with him/her.
We appreciate truthfulness of Person B.
No matter what type of personality people we met, are meeting and will meet, be it convenient or otherwise,
all could be translated into positive and goodness.
If they are good, we learn and try to follow their strength.
If they are otherwise, it's life experience, we learned lessons in hard way from them and try not to do what they behaved as we have tasted the bitterness of such behavior.
Hikmah dalam hidup:
Daripada kita sekadar kecam, kutuk, maki, dan seumpamanya (destructive mode),
lebih bagus dan lama manfaat kalau kita bina kebaikan dalam masyarakat, seperti kongsi ilmu, kemahiran, pengalaman, didikan, bantuan fizikal dan lain-lain (constructive mode).
Wisdom of the day:
Rather than spoon-feed the meaning of each word, it is more impactful teaching them how to use dictionary.
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