Ulama Benteng

Ulama Benteng

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Bagaimana Nak Naikkan Iman?

Subhanallah. Curahan ilmu ini disampaikan oleh Dr Muhammad Salah dalam jangka masa yang ringkas sahaja. Namun, terasa sangat padat dan amat dekat dengan keadaan kita, mudah untuk dihayati.

Sedikit latar belakang Dr Muhammad Salah, (sumber):

Dr. Muhammad Salah is one of the well-known Islamic scholars in USA.
He led the Islamic Center of Victoria, Texas and founded two Islamic and Arabic schools, Namely Iman Stems and the Muslim Generation.
He is a persistent host of Ask Huda, one of the most well-known Fatawa programs broadcast at Huda TV. He is the religious supervisor of Huda TV. He is an Instructor at Shari’a Academy.
Dr. Salah had 500 live broadcasting hours in Egyptian Arabic and American television stations.
He teaches at London College.
He obtained his BA in Shari‘ah and Islamic Law from the University of Al-Azhar and BA in pharmacology.
He was an assistant professor of pharmacology.
He obtained a four-year diploma in Muslim arts and Arabic calligraphy.

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